2024 Prostate Cancer Awareness
Month Giveaway!

Register or nominate to win!

Between September 1-27, log on to www.kvia.com to register for your chance to win a $200 gift card to Desert Imaging and an awesome Loco Smart Temp Griddle from The Home Depot. Everyone can register, but the winner must be a male at least 45 years old and be willing to take a photo and pick up and transport the prizes.

A $200 gift card
to Desert Imaging

Valid for all exams. Same as cash. Redeemable only once for up to a $200 credit.

Loco Smart Temp Griddle
generously donated by Home Depot

Original retail value = $499.


Winner retrieving prize must meet the following requirements: Male 45+ and must be willing to take a picture with the prizes. Winner must also pick-up the prizes.

* Registration ends 09.27.24

Prostate cancer is cause by malignant cells developing in prostate tissue. Common warning signs include problems with urination (sudden urges, pain, blood in urine, difficulty urinating), experiencing pain in the back and pelvis, and feeling tired/dizzy. There are different tests to diagnose prostate cancer, including the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood screen, the digital rectal exam (DRE), prostate ultrasound and biopsy. Prostate screenings are recommended for men beginning at age 50.

Prostate MRI

MRI uses a powerful magnet to produce detailed pictures of water molecule motion and blood flow within the prostate. It can also be used to evaluate other prostate issues including infection, enlargement, or complications following surgery.


This scan pinpoints lesions in the prostate using am introvenous radiotracer produced onsite. It is for men who are initially diagnosed with prostate cancer at risk for metastatic disease or who were previously treated but have a rising PSA level.

Prostate Ultrasound

A probe sends sound waves through the wall of the rectum and into the prostate and surrounding tissue. A computer analyzes the wave patterns as they bounce off the organs and converts them into detailed images for analysis.

Bone Scan

When prostate cancer spreads, it often spreads to the bones first. The Bone Scan is the standard, guideline-recommended exam to pinpoint cancerous cells in the bones by using an introvenous radiotracer.

Desert Imaging Prostate Cancer Awareness
Desert Imaging Prostate Cancer Awareness
Desert Imaging Prostate Cancer Awareness
Desert Imaging Prostate Cancer Awareness
Desert Imaging Prostate Cancer Awareness
Desert Imaging Prostate Cancer Awareness